Title: All it Takes is an Earthquake Fandom: Phoenix Wright, Gumshoe/Edgeworth Author: Teal Blue (lucathia_rykatu) Recipient: Chirucchi (shinigamikender) Rating: PG Summary: Gumshoe thinks Edgeworth is not as cold as people think he is. The detective is determined to make Mr. Edgeworth smile.
Title: Lunch Loyalties Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix/Miles Author: Teal Blue (lucathia_rykatu) Recipient kinami (neko_myka) Rating PG Warnings none Summary Lunchtime back in fourth grade was a very highly regarded event for Phoenix and the rest.
Title: Missing Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Pairing: Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright Author: Selah Recipient: Teal Blue Rating: PG Warnings: Does bad humour count? XD Summary: Phoenix goes missing and it's up to Edgeworth to find him.
Title: Mandelbrot Fandom: Phoenix Wright (Gyakuten Saiban) Author: prestidigitator (miang) Recipient: kinami (neko_myka) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: SPOILERS for the last case and entire ending of GS2 (Phoenix Wright: Justice for All). Pretty mild slash and swearing. Summary: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Phoenix Wright would do
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